Our Services
Success, both personally & in business comes from having good relationships with good people.
Starting a New Business

• We can help to analyse your concepts or plans.
• Identify potential grants and free mentoring options.
• Assist with creating a working business plan that can be adapted as your business grows.
• Prepare cash flow forecasts, budgets and profitability forecasts.
• Identify a business structure that best suits your type of business from a range of company options, sole trader, partnerships or trusts. Once identified we can arrange the required structure.
• Register your business for GST.
• Identify potential costs and compliance issues, averting unwanted problems at a later date.
• Provide guidance on how to set up your accounting systems, invoicing and payroll.
• First year tax options.
• Help with organising finance.
• We have the experience to advise you frankly on how viable we think your business idea is.
• Our focus is on your success, we take it personally and we really work hard to help clients avoid costly mistakes.